Portland Limestone Cement (PLC)... it's not coming. It is here!

Portland Limestone Cement (PLC)... it's not coming. It is here!
Thursday, March 30, 2023 (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM) (EDT)
PLC is engineered with a higher limestone content, and gives specifiers, architects, engineers, producers, and designers a way to execute any project all while maintaining the resilience and sustainability of conventional portland cement concrete with up to 10% reduction in carbon footprint. PLC will soon be the dominant cement type in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This session will detail for specifiers not only what PLC is and its new dominance, but also the ramifications of it in your concrete structures and pavements.
John Vaughan, Technical Services Engineer, Heidelberg Materials, has 30 years experience in cement and concrete materials production. John has spoken around the region on PLC and is on a number of ACI committees.
Tim Kaiser, Technical Services Manager, Kosmos Cement Company, has 30 years experience in cement and concrete materials production. Tim has spoken around the region and is on a number of ACI and Ready Mix Concrete Committees in a five state region.
PANEL DISCUSSION: How are engineers and agencies adopting PLC specifications? How is PLC performing in local concrete mixes? And more...
Chris Kaufmann, Structural Engineer, Parsons Corporation, 10 years concrete materials engineering
John Vaughan, Technical Services Engineer, Hiedelberg Materials
Tim Kaiser, Technical Services, Manager, Kosmos Cement Company
Ed Heller, Technical Sales Rep, RussTech Admixtures, 40 years experience in concrete admixtures
Certificates will be provided.
1.5 PDH
3:00 PM: Registration
3:30-5:00 PM: Presentation/Panel Discussion
5:00-6:00 PM: Networking Hour with light refreshments

4174 Rowan
Lexington, KY 40517 United States
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